If you asked me what depression is...

I would tell you... Hey! You don´t have nothing to worry about. ¡True! Because it is a “Nice” state, where all things fit together, where loose screws find their nut, get adjusted and tightened just right.

That depression is where storms of lightning and thunder, those ones of raining cats and dogs, subside; and the crisp waves of a rough sea find their calm.

That the “depre” is as necessary as the Alka-Seltzer is for a bad headache; because the soul also gets tired of so much fucking hustle and bustle that the day to day brings, and then it raises high its white flag and asks for a moment, for a little truce.

That a depre cleanses you of so many obscene $#/&%#; obscene in the sense that they mix up and mess with your mind; that it comes and calms them down and then erases and throws them far away, so that after a few days of purifying action (although sometimes it takes months), you could start again clean, with a brand-new memory.

I would tell you that depression is that state of loneliness and silence that your body sought to shake off anxieties and desires that tormented you and that you were not able to find out how to satisfy, because they were gluttonous; that with it muscles relax, so that after its healing effect, you can begin a life full of vigor, as an athlete who declares himself ready for the next Olympic games.

I would also tell you not to be afraid of, because even if you don't know, we all go through small and slight or deep and fencing depressions; and that some enjoy them to the fullest and even when they calm down, they wait anxiously for them to reappear.

I would tell you that even the successful, the famous, the masters of show business suffer them; that the most renowned “Youtubers” and “Tik Tok-ers” of the moment have passed or are passing through the most bastard depres ..., and that by publishing them, by showing out them, they increase the number of their followers, in that black-gray cloud of human beings that the world has.

That if you don't know, even the most popular Characters, those ones who fill up the pages of social and gossip magazines on the internet or newsstands with their photos and anecdotes, are regular customers of their depressions, and they even serve them to come up with new and marvelous ideas on how to wear the most outlandish suit they design or the tiniest and most daring bikini or to do risky experiments with her body, to engulf how much chemical and dangerous food they can find; with the clarification that sometimes they exceed the dose, and with depression and everything they are no longer in this world.

And if it is still not clear to you that a depre, even as light and healthy it may seem, will not cause you any harm... Well, then, do nothing and continue there, enjoying that “Nice mood” that pats and numbs; until you realize that you are falling into a soft madness that over time will become psychiatric, and that the mind, like the body, sometimes has no setbacks, and once it is damaged, something crooked, oblique and dark remains within it. And then ... what do you think? There is no cure.

Hey! But you have nothing to worry about; because just a few ones will realize that something in you no longer works quite well, that it all started with a small depression that led to a more serious one. And who cares? If at the end of the day this world belongs more and more to crazy people, and to those who like me, enjoy, to the fullest, their depressions.


ɷɷɷɷ ….  ∞∞∞∞…. ɷɷɷɷ …. ϰϰϰϰ …. ɷɷɷɷ…. ∞∞∞∞ …. ɷɷɷɷ


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