Love your neighbor as yourself

Love your neighbor as yourself.

But I am not saying, you shall love your father, your mother, your children, your aunt, your grandmother or your brothers ... Since, you already love them; or at least, you tolerate them.

Then... Love the stranger, the one who needs you, and the needy; But above all, love the one who sees you as someone different, love the one who ignores you, the one who bothers you, the one who envies you, the one who curses you, the one who shouts: Fuck you!

Love the ignorant, the one who does not understand and the one who does not comprehend; because for him or her, perhaps you are the one who knows nothing and understands nothing; and well, life is not a "Let's see who knows more?" game; because even the one who does not know, knows; and even the one who thinks that he or she knows everything, ignores basic facts.

Understand that love is transmitted by the words that come out of your mouth; but even more, by the language your body and face express; with it you disqualify, hurt, annoy, attack or show indifference. Or with it you transmit calm, peace, trust, understanding, love and tolerance; with it you invite or you reject.

Love those who need love, those who are close and those who are distant.

Love whoever crosses your path, who bumps into you on the street, who meets you for a moment in life.

Love who stays, who remains, who shares with you one morning, one afternoon, one night.

Love whoever accompanies you at lunch break, who takes the time to enjoy a coffee with you. Love the one who talk to you, who remain silent, who just look at you.

Love the happy and the contented, the optimist. Love the always-busy, the one who does not know how to love, and the one who loves, but loves badly.

Love those who show bits of arrogance, of superiority, those who have effluvia of violence. Love those who are sad, those who need comfort, those who are alone. Love the abandoned, the impoverished and the desperate ones. Love the clueless, the distracted, the ones who live in the clouds. Love the clumsy and the one who does not land their feet on the ground. Love the sick, the reclusive, the one who is missing something, the one who longs for something. Love the fool, the stubborn. Love the lazy and the indolent, the one who do nothing. Love the nonchalant and the one who do not care about anything.

They are the ones who really need to be loved, who need affection and understanding; more, much more, than all the others ones.

You will see that love can do everything, or almost everything. That love tolerates everything, endures everything and supports everything; because if it were not be like that, we would be full of hatred, bitterness, thirst for revenge, envy and anger.

If you can love those who take advantage of you, and those who, from you, get benefits, those who hurt you; It will be easier for you to love the rose, the dog, the cow, the tree, the rock, the star, the creek and the grass.

And one day you will realize how much you love your bed and the sheets of your bed, the table in your dining room and the sofa in your living room, the shower that refreshes you every day, the car that always awaits you, your favorite shirt and your corduroy trousers.

Because life without love is unnecessary, and days without love ...

Simply, do not count.



How could I love you?

If I don't love the world.

How could I perceive your aroma?

If I hate the smell of grass

And the smell of a log

burning in the fire.


How could I desire you?

If I don't love my body

And I don't even listen to

what it is asking from me,

what it requests.

How could I touch you?

If I don't caress



How am I going to love you?

If I don't love myself

And if I don't love

The air

That you breathe.



When I remember you

There is something that makes me sad.

Could it will be what I didn´t say?

Could it will be what you didn´t say?


I really don´t know.

But when I remember you...


There is something

That makes me


      ɷɷɷɷ ….  ∞∞∞∞…. ɷɷɷɷ …. ϰϰϰϰ …. ɷɷɷɷ…. ∞∞∞∞ …. ɷɷɷɷ


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