The Train of My Life

And so, this is my life as of today.

A taxi to drop my daughter off to school, then he throws me at the nearest bus stop. Twenty-three one-way subway stations and one more rickety minibus to get to work. A working day of nine to twelve hours, at least. An electronic checker. I appreciate it too much!

On the way back I skip the taxi —unnecessary expense— the minibus replaces it, and then the twenty-three subway stations: In front of me it passes the traveling circus of my town.

The curtain rises. The clowns arrive on stage. What wit! They come disguised as youngsters of the same ilk — not a bad word. Superb dialogue of real quacks. I listen attentively (perhaps it will help me to write a poem tomorrow). With all the tricks at their disposal, gestures, grimaces and strange movements, they establish a real contest to attract the attention of the respectable. I am fascinated by a baggage of new ... Words???

An old lady sells sweets and proclaims: There is a movie projection in downtown! And it´s very good! He adds, smiling. She walks away dragging her old and wasted tennis shoes. She doesn't know what flavor of the past she leaves in me, here inside.

Now to the right, The King of Darkness makes his entrance, tied to a dog that does not juggle. He brings music with him. A large bell made of a can of chili peppers and coins inside. Chewing gum! Chewing gum! Sweet! Chocolates!

Then, the Shirtless arrives at one side of the train car and opens a blanket of colored little pieces of glass. He jumps and with a big Zas! He whips, and new red dots appear on his back (fortunately his confetti did not reach my white shirt). His number hurts me more than him, and after this brief show he goes to the other side of the car. “A two-ring circus” I said. This is only seen in a night subway car. I follow the show with my eyes and I feel the same as when the bullet man goes off in the other circus or when the flier hesitates on the trapeze. A boy of about four years old follows him. He shouts: Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! I think that the trade has already an heir.

Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Have a good night! Bonne nuit. How are you! The teacher of foreign languages makes his arrival and offers to learn Spanish the easiest way. Coloring and cutting: Window, ventana; door, puerta; duckling, patito; chick, pollito or pollita, whatever you want, but be careful ‘cause in Spanish that word has two very different meanings, same as in English, and you could make a big mistake. All for only two dollars! And I who once paid for a course in a university abroad. How I regret it!

Harmonica music. Wow! An old woman gives a concert of invented melodies. I fail to recognize any, and then I lose. I pay my bet: a few coins that in total make one dollar and a half.

The common denominator is not very even. Sometimes boats, little buckets, children who follow, the bag next to the guitar or the woman who accompanies and extends her hand. This is the circus of my town.

       ∞- - - - -∞∞- - - - -∞∞- - - - -∞∞- - - - -∞∞- - - - -∞

Intermediate. The driver of the circus train makes a formal announcement. Hidalgo Station, correspondence with the Indios Verdes - University line. I change my seat.

Suddenly the curtain opens and the Solitary Troubadour appears (with everything, hat, boots and amplifier!). Bolivarian verses. This is indeed an International Circus!!! I recognize the quality and I contribute. He was also one of the few who did not mention in his speech, God.

Bee and viper venom! Arnica and camphor ointment! The doctor who heals the strangest ailments! The balsamic ointment that works while you sleep! I see the miraculous healer pass by and I think my personal doctors have been ripping me off. I wonder if he will heal heart ailments.

Finally, it seems that the show comes to a good port — One never knows. A sad and half happiness invades me —it is fatigue, I tell myself, to give me some strength to continue on (I still need to ride a last minibus) -. The Master of Ceremony announces in a clear voice:

 University Station. No person should stay on board.

 This is my life as of today.

                  Twenty-three subway stations one way ...

                                          Twenty-three subway stations the way back.



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